Switzerland 2023

Switzerland - Reunion of the AK Siewert group

  Since I moved to Freiburg in 2021, I wasn't able to join the reunion of my former researching group for our so called "Lake Day". But luckily, this year, I could see all of them again. First, at the wedding ceremony of Jia-Pei and Seppi in Wolfsburg in July and finally again for our lake day. We decided to do it in Switzerland this time, so it was much easier for me to join and well, it was an amazing weekend.

  The Saturday morning - after having a breakfast - we started our adventure by driving to the famous Stoosbahn, a funicular railway with a maximum gradient of 110 % (47,7°) and therefore the steepest funicular railway in the world. After we arrived in Stoos, our hike started with a tough and exhausting uphill hike to the summit of the Klingenstock - with 1935 metres the highest point of our hike. Even if it was a bit humid and we couldn't see too far away, we still had such breathtaking panoramas to enjoy. On top of the Klingenstock, we also could enjoy the view to both sides of the mountain range, so it was a perfect spot for a little food break. The hike to the Klingenstock was probably the most exhausting part of the hike, but still, also the little down- and uphill passages during the ridge walk via the Huser Stock up to the Fronalpstock were quite tiring for the legs. But it was worth all the effort, since we had a marvellous view of the Lake Lucerne (in German Vierwaldstättersee), where we later went on for swimming. But first, we got our well-deserved beer and French fries in the mountain restaurant to get some new energy for the downhill hike back to the starting point in Stoos. We ended the day by going to a free swimming spot to cool down and relax, before heading back to our apartment, where we enjoyed the rest of the evening with raclette and a game night.   

  The Sunday began with a short drive to the parking area of the Swiss Museum of Transport, close to the lido of Lucerne. It was planned to walk through the city and have a swimming session afterwards, but since I had to go back on the Sunday, I only could join the tour around the city. Nevertheless, it was a beautiful day again, full of sunshine and full of happiness to enjoy time with my friends and former colleagues. On the way to the old town, we took a group picture, with the Vierwaldstättersee and the Mount Pilatus - the backyard mountain of Lucerne - in the background. We continued walking, until we reached the Lion Monument, a rock relief to commemorate the Swiss Guards, who were massacred in 1792 during the French Revolution, when revolutionaries stormed the Tuileries Palace in Paris. It's one of the most famous monuments in the whole country of Switzerland and was placed under Swiss monumental protection in 2006. 

  After having an ice cream break, we followed the way to the old town - passing by the Old Town House and many interesting fountains. The mean important landmark, apart from the Lion Monument, is the medieval Kapellbrücke, a covered wooden footbridge, crossing the Reuss river with a water tower next to it. The Kapellbrücke is the oldest and second longest covered wooden bridge in Europe and is very unique in containing a number of interior paintings dating back to the 17th century, showing scenes of the Swiss history. After enjoying our beers along the riverside, with a spectacular view of the bridge, we turned back to area of the lido, having some lunch, before I finally had to take a bus to the Lucerne main station. Even if it was just a short weekend trip, it was simply amazing. 


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