Switzerland 2023

Switzerland - Reunion of the AK Siewert group Since I moved to Freiburg in 2021, I wasn't able to join the reunion of my former researching group for our so called "Lake Day". But luckily, this year, I could see all of them again. First, at the wedding ceremony of Jia-Pei and Seppi in Wolfsburg in July and finally again for our lake day. We decided to do it in Switzerland this time, so it was much easier for me to join and well, it was an amazing weekend. The Saturday morning - after having a breakfast - we started our adventure by driving to the famous Stoosbahn , a funicular railway with a maximum gradient of 110 % (47,7°) and therefore the steepest funicular railway in the world. After we arrived in Stoos, our hike started with a tough and exhausting uphill hike to the summit of the Klingenstock - with 1935 metres the highest point of our hike. Even if it was a bit humid and we couldn't see too far away, we still had such breathtaking panoramas to enjoy. On to...