Taiwan 2023

Travelling to my favourite Continent - Exploring the Wonders of Taiwan I really wanted to travel to Asia again, so I decided to travel to Taiwan, since I always heard, how amazing the Taiwanese food is. Moreover, it was a chance to meet my friend Ignacio again. We have met the last time in Göttingen seven years ago. Luckily, I also got some really nice advices from one of my colleagues, who stayed in Taiwan for one year. I was so thankful for all those suggestions, what to do and to eat in and around Taipei, because I had to stay the most time of my visit in the North of the island due to a typhoon, which hit the island in the first week of my vacations. So it wasn't possible for me to explore the South of the island, which is also a chance for me to come back to Taiwan again soon. The first days in Taipei, I had to get used to the heat and the high humidity. It was really exhausting, because I preferred to walk around to explore all the interesting parts of ...