Iceland 2019

Iceland - The Island of Ice and Fire This year, my dream of visiting Iceland became true. Since I'm a big fan of Scandinavian cultures and the beautiful nature there, it was a pleasure for me to travel to the Island of Ice and Fire . The journey started in Reykjavík, the world's northernmost capital, which is located on the southwestern coastline of Iceland. So it was possible to sea beautiful sunsets on the seaside, but since I was there in July, it didn't really get that dark during the night. Nevertheless, I will keep the warm summer evenings with the beautiful view over the sea and with the Sólfar sculpture - an ode to the sun in a shape of a Viking ship - in my mind. Too be honest, the city itself has not too many real sightseeing spots, but that doesn't mean, that the city is boring. Starting with the beautiful colored houses, many beautiful scenic squares with flowers, the coffee shops in the Laugaveg...